Monday, March 25, 2013


Imagine this :
U r a boy, doing your final year engineering - waiting for someone in  a bus-stop.
U r carrying your 'just-months-old' 6000+ cellphone with you.
Its nearing noon- and u r patiently waiting.
U r about to call that person when 2 young boys ( riding a bike) approach u.
They stop and the one @the back seat says " anna, anna**.. pls help! got to make an emergency call and we both don't have balance..pls anna. "
The innocent urgency on the boy's face touches ur heart. 
U say " sure, u can use my phone".
U take ur cell phone..ask them for the number. 
U dial rings.
U hand over the phone to the 'backseat' boy.
The moment he takes the phone and keeps it on his ear, the other guy ( the one driving the bike) starts the bike and  VROOOOOOOmmmmm....
By the time u recover from the shock ( even though it just takes seconds ), they are gone.

**anna means elder brother (in tamil). **********************************************************************************************************
Did u really imagine as i asked u to ?. How did  u feel ?
Hurt ? Angry? Annoyed? 

When i did (imagine),honestly, i felt all of these. Especially 'annoyed'.

This is a true incident.Happened in Chennai; last week.
The 'victim' in this case happens to be one of Joel's buddy.
Poor guy. He was devastated at the loss of his cell-phone.He was hurt coz he was paid back evil for the good he intended to do. Trust was betrayed. The victim's helping nature was abused.
How terrible is the feeling, when the very 'stranger' you went forward to help, cheats you and makes a fool out of u....

Should we trust ' needy -strangers'  ?? should we go forward to help them ??

God help us!.Help us to make the right decision in the right places and time..please.

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