Friday, March 16, 2012


I have found through my days-at-home-experience that the most head-breaking, nerve-cracking, brain-jamming difficult thing to do is to Do nothing…yes to do NOTHING!!!

Name anything…any kind of work that one can do while ones’ stay at home--- sensible or not-so-sensible (doesn’t matter)---doing something is so much EASIER than doing NOTHING.

Well …how one can one do nothing at all? I too had this question… 
There have been few days when I found myself doing nothing…one for example# mom had done the cooking/ maid had done the cleaning/ the book I was reading ended two days ago/ book-shelves cleaned and curtains washed just the day before/ nothing interesting on TV + no mood to sit in front of PC / brain being  unable to think of something  ( all these happening on the same day) and it was only 11 A.M !!!
Lets go and sleep for sometime I decided-- a before-lunch-nap***laid on the bed-closed my eyes and waited*** tick-tick-tick I could hear my clock nearby. Turn right**no sleep/ turn left** no sleep….aaAGRRHHH.
I got up, sat and thought...Ufff, doing nothing is the most hectic work to do…..phewww.
I would not be wondering if I get this ‘do-nothing-phobia’
Every day has its share of daily-duties starting from brushing-bathing-eating-sleeping-going to the loo—etc,etc but you can’t carry these out for the whole day. One has to involve oneself in some kind of work --- good if its sensible one(this latter point comes second*** the main point is do something).  

I decided to indulge myself in any kind of work or even try out something new, anything but ‘do-nothing’.
One never knows when a deep buried talent may surprisingly surface out!!!  
Hope for the better  :).

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