Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I LOVE rain.
For me, drizzling shower with a gentle breeze is PURE-POETRY.

I kind of missed it in the past winter months, that when days before it made a surprise visit in my city (thanks to some northern winds) i was super-thrilled!.
Am so fond of rains ( the showers whish doesnt lead to destruction /disappointments i.e. not those floody-flushy pourings!) that i wouldn't mind if it rains for an hour or so everyday!!

I have loved rains right from my KG. I hav enjoyed it most during school & college days (those are the days when one does carry raincoats/umbrellas but don't bother using them).

 I love rains -for simply- simple reasons....
#  after a shower everything seems so clean and green... trees/roads/ lawns..everything.

# Rains bring out a kind of innocent excitement ##  no matter how grown-up you may be, you don't mind playing 'splash-splash' in the pools of water :)

# A chilling rain makes you want to have some sizzling hot pakodas- bajjis (just for the sake of enjoying the rain more - you hardly worry about your weight then)

Well, i cant figure out more reasons, but then when u like a thing, u like that thing . Isn't it?! 

Poor Dad.... he got caught in the rain,
lucky for him, he had his raincoat.


  1. Didi dont eat so much even though its tasty... instead of that eat vegetables it will give more energy....
