Saturday, August 11, 2012


These pair of legs are mine and I am a female.What makes me to be so specific is the fact that these legs hardly looks feminine.... isn't it ?? yeah, right.

From what i have seen & known, a young-lady's leg should supposed to be of 4S- Slender,Smooth,Shapely & Spotless.
 I see the pic again...... hmmmm ...# highly contrasting # .
C'mon...@least one among the 4S factor could have matched....would have a little-bit-better!!
I frowned......

A second later,  I started feeling guilty... guilty?? what did I do??
I heard a small yet a stern voice within me saying ' How can you be so thankless for what you have?  Why are  you frowning over what God has given you...?  You are complaining of what you are not having in your legs while there are so many who are not fortunate to have @least any one of the two!!'
 That was said nothing more.

I was silent.I  was thinking. Am I that thankless?? Am I complaining ? I was feeling bad.

I see the pic again....but this time i see something which i dint before. I have a perfectly functioning pair of legs, with all the parts in place ( even the tiniest of toe).They are not slender or smooth but they are strong....strong enough to carry this heavy ball of mass 24*7, 12 months a year!! They are not spotless and shapely but never mind.... they have been such a help- every single day of my life that I feel I have no right to complain!!.
I realized that there are many other things of which I have never thanked God even once....I seemed to be so blind.(I hardly give importance to my legs...not even half of what I give to my face).I resolved that I will be thankful in whatever way I can and I will not complain for what I don't have.What a lesson I learnt ....from this pic of my legs :) ... Wow!!

'oh my heavenly Father', I prayed,' Forgive me for the times I have been so complaining...for the time I have been so ungrateful to you and to others.Every thing You have given me is a Blessing.I thank you for every single thing both big and small......and, yes, a special big thank you for my legs!. Amen.'

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