Saturday, December 3, 2011


Joel is coming home tomorrow for vacation. He is back after his 5th semester ECE exams. He will be with us for nearly 25 days. It is really a joy to have a brother. Amma and appa were talking with each other how me n my brother have grown up so soon and were wondering; how swiftly the days have passed by. They were also talking about how both their kids (i.e. Joel n me) are so different from each other in their ways, likes and thoughts…….

I was listening to them and was smiling.
Yes, we both are different…..we do share some similarities but they are few.

I was enjoying; for 3yrs, the privilege of being the center of attraction in my family; tat included things like being fed at regular intervals, pampered, cuddled, and carried by someone, etc, etc….but it was only for 3 yrs. WHY??
Coz, then came another member of my family who made the threesome of us into foursome :)
(I was not denied these above-mentioned privileges but the quantity reduced, as I had to share it with another lil baby boy…..)

Joel…. born on 14th January morning’91
I was 3 then, he was 0.
 So how different we both are???? Let us, see
  1. During birth: I was round and healthy, he was thin and bony.
  2. physically (current status) : I am okay in height , he is tall
  3. Academically:
    • I become happy with 70+ marks, he will be sad, very sad if he doesn’t make it 90+
    • He was one among the school toppers, me?? Don’t ask!!
    • He loves science subjects…… me and science= enemies.
    • He is an all rounder ( studies, sports, drama etc), me….hmmm I am not a perfect all rounder….may be 60% all ROUNDER :) 
(Amma and appa always believed that I was the intelligent of the two …they still do….but statistics (report cards) always proved them wrong.)
  1. nature wise:
·        I am lil talkative, he is not
·        I am LOL kind of a person, he is little “he..he” kind of a boy.
·        I am a lot emotional ,he acts like a MAN; doesn’t show off his emotions soon.
·        I have my plus points…I am not short-tempered, he is !!
  Apart from these we both have our own individual biological-gender instincts.
 The list continues from our likes n dislikes from colours to cell phones to communication style……...
Nevertheless, the best thing I like in him is his deep-rooted faith in CHRIST, a very strong believer and has the spirit of obedience to God’s will. Many a times he has counseled me and has told me wat to do and wat not.

we both used to fight so much wen we were small.....but now we are best-friends :)

Tomorrow when he comes home, we will be foursome :) I thank the LORD for creating humans and letting them live in a family. I thank the LORD for blessing me with family: a lovely brother and a double lovely parents.
I pray and hope that this Christmas be full of HIS grace, love and joy. I pray that each one of us rectify ourselves further ,grow more in spirit and willfully submit each one in HIS hands as we await 2012 !!!

                              JOEL thambi( brother)

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