Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The following contents are NOT MINE.They are from a book, I am currently reading (very small one, to be exact) 'DANIEL and THE DARK ARTS -by Earnest Spellbinder'. I found some of the articles to be very interesting and i wanted them to be up in here. ALL CREDITS TO THE AUTHOR;EARNEST SPELLBINDER.


## Earnest Spellbinder's (ES) notes about witches and pointy hats.

You can't tell who's a witch by what they wear.Black pointy hats are part of Welsh national costume and were standard dress in medieval times! Old women with warty noses aren't witches either. Witches ,wizards or warlocks try to tap into spiritual powers to work magic or spells.
The Bible first mentions witchcraft about 3500 years ago, together with people who make human sacrifices, cast spells or try to speak with the dead, interpret omens or practice divination ( interpreting omens and divination are supposed to be ways of discovering the future supernaturally.)

## ES' notes about astrology.
Astrologers claim to interpret the influence that stars and planets have on people.Many people read their horoscope to find out what's going to happen to them.However, only God knows the future - the same God who made the stars in the first place.
Don't get confused with astronomy- the scientific study of stars, planets and things whizzing around in space.

## ES' note about spelling.
Is spelling your least favourite school subject? Did you know the word 'spell' you use in Literacy lessons has the same origins as a magic 'spell'?
Words are powerful. Using them wrongly-like calling someone names- can have lasting effects.

## ES' note about crossing fingers!
People cross their fingers because they think it brings good luck. It is a superstition linked to the belief  that the cross of Jesus is powerful. The cross was Jesus' way to show us His love and point us to life forever with Him. Crossing your fingers doesn't do anything magical! 
Crosses mean lots of things: a cross on your homework means you're wrong; a cross on a letter means you're loved; and a cross on a map means there's hidden treasure!.


  1. oye I once read a book called , HE Came to set the captives free. try finding that book if you can . It is a story about a girl who due to some circumstances had to marry satan. but in the end GOD brought her to HIM

  2. i will try to get a hold on that book ,sure.
