Sunday, April 28, 2013

i met school friend after a loooooong time :)

Last week  I met Sagarika (saga for us) my old friend after a looong time, can say more than 6 years!!
Some of my friends call me at regular intervals and some drop me a message, while many just call me on my birthday to give their wishes. These all gesture  though small are really sweet to me :)
Saga gave me a 'two-minute' ahead msg, alerting me about her sudden visit to my place and soon i met and hugged the ever vibrant young lady !!
Meeting saga was fun... well describing her is very easy... she was and she still is a  bundle of energy, always excited, fun-loving and foodie girl. In the pic i look the foodie one ( i truly am, no objection ) but she is no LESS!!
(Ohhh ! why cant i be like her - eat as much as u like yet remain thin !!!!)
The thin young lady in white T is saga and the other one is yours truly tamoriyan :)
I remember , in my 8 th standard (Carmel school) saga was given the title 'Miss Soul of the Class' -- well ,that describes her, isn't it ?
We both talked abt everything that was on our mind then, job, roommates, 'When will be d weddin ?? ' topic , the changes visible in me, her and others ;) .She has hardly put on any weight whereas i was her total opposite :(
We had lovely time..talking mostly abt our school .. the fun we had all those years :)  Carmel school was fun. I ll always cherish my school life in Carmel ... If i had to write abt my school i can go on , but i ll stop here.
Saga now is in bangalore and she shares her flat with my another dear close frn Smruti....i last saw smruti in the year 2006!!.
But, you know, the best thing abt true friends is that , the ' time-gap' doesnt matter at all...everytime we talk thru the phone ( even if , its once in a while) that 'instant -connection' is always felt.
Friends  Good friends, really are a gift from God!!.

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