Thursday, February 14, 2013

What is Valentine's Day really about?

Hi there! I got a mail  this late evening , from my old friend and i thought of sharing it here it is

What is Valentine's Day really about?
Valentine's Day is one of our favorite holidays. Actually it is right behind Christmas. It is a day that we Celebrate our love for one another. In our life’s, Love has always been very special, and always will be. Many years ago I read a story about St. Valentine that really caught my attention. And I want to pass it on. In the Bible John 15: 13 reads "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" And that is just what St. Valentine did. St. Valentine was a priest near Rome in about the year270 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor was imprisoning Christians for not worshipping the Roman gods.
During this persecution Valentine was arrested. Some write that he was arrested because he was performing Christian marriages, but others say it was for helping Christians escape prison. During the trial they asked Valentine what he thought of the Roman gods Jupiter and Mercury. Valentine said they were false gods and that the God that Jesus called Father was the only true God. So the Romans threw him in prison for insulting the gods. While in prison Valentine continued to minister, He witnessed to the guards. One of the guards was a good man who had adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter. Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family, 46 people, believed in Jesus and were baptized. Because these people had come to know Jesus, Valentine praised God right there in his prison cell. 
When the emperor heard about this he was furious that Valentine was still sharing love of God even in prison, so he had Valentine beheaded. Valentine knew that he might get caught in his Christian activities. He knew that if he told the court the truth about the Roman gods that he would be thrown in prison. And he knew that if he continued to witness to Christ in the prison he would make his captors angry. But he continued, because he loved the Lord and his fellow humans. He was willing to risk his life to free the prisoners and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who needed to hear it. The Bible Says: "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."(John 15:13) God showed us this love by coming in Christ to die for our sins. And St. Valentine demonstrated this love when he died for his friends. This is the kind of love that Valentine's Day calls us to celebrate.

pic source : Google images


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