Friday, November 16, 2012

Next time... come to me first ok!

What kind of week have you had?
Hard, great, ok-ok, somewhere between ?
Mine was ok-ok....a bit hard wud be alright to say :(

I wish i had someone to talk to... yet i did not go ahead thinking 'the person' has his own share to carry for now :( 

i had the universal feeling of every guilty /burdened heart # no one could understand whats going inside me # !!
I did wat i usually do...
I kept it to myself ; guess i was doing it for sometime then.. 
But then, i was hurting...finally, i dint keep it to myself, in fact i did something i should have done much before; i sat a talked wit Jesus, not in thoughts but in words loud n clear as if my best friend is sitting beside me listening.... It should not be stunning  when HE did respond simultaneously but it did!
We had our chat, mostly i did the talking/pouring out/arguing/proving my point....everything.
First HE  made me remind that  'He numbers the hairs on your head.
He understands the cares in your heart'.
i calmed down....

Then He said strongly ' Set it right with God, For HE is HOLY!' 

why do i do things to be sorry about it later ??

'Do you understand ?? this step is very important!'
Hmmm....okay .. Its getting thru...
He then asked 'how long do you think you can carry on by your own?? Why do you look for me only at the end, as a last source ??'   

i had no ans... i was down a guilt trip AGAIN! 

He was silent for few mins ...then said  firmly ' Next time... come to me first OK!

 i love you very much...'

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